

Here are 10 tips that may not be obvious at first.

  1. To record a group off the front in a Break, use Multi Select and touch the bib numbers as they are called out over radio to select them. Touch a second time to unselect a number. Once you have the set highlighted correctly. Long Press and select Break. (You can also drag up on one of them, this does the same thing as dragging each one, so if any are in an OTB status, they will only go to OK status.)
  2. Scroll with two fingers! This is a standard gesture for Apple on Macs and iOS, but you will need to remember that because a one finger pan on the bib numbers is used to move riders into the break or OTB. If you have a lot of riders you have to scroll down and back up with two fingers.
  3. When the Races, Stages, or Settings views are showing on the left, you can hide that part of the split view by swiping left with your finger on the dividing line between the grid and the sidebar.
  4. You can edit the name of a rider on the rider status view. This works on a blank roster as well.

  5. When the team car squares are showing, you can edit the team code and team name by touching and going to the team car status view. This also lets you set the car number shown on the grid.
  6. You can use the bib colors for more than just indicating riders wearing a jersey. You might use Orange to highlight where you noted a penalty on a rider status. The color can be set for the top and bottom halves, so you might highlight the bottom half yellow on GC riders 2-5, etc.
  7. You can hide Team Cars if you don't want to see them. Go to Settings for the Race (touch the i in the circle on the race list.) 
  8. Below the Team Cars setting is "Show 0 Digit on Left". On number series races, this makes 10, 20, 30, etc easier to find. In a few races, it may make sense to show the 0 digit on the right to have the rider bib on the line above so that they are with their team.
  9. Hide riders that Did Not Start. When a rider is hidden they will also be hidden on the next stage created for the race. To unhide, long press on a blank area of the grid.
  10. The log of status changes is kept in the notes for the rider on a per stage basis.
  11. If you need a checkoff list for riders (for sign in or when judging), create a stage just for that purpose. Flick the riders into OTB status to turn them gray. The remaining riders will stand out on the grid with white bibs.