
Bib Grid tracks the status of riders in a race. It is mainly intended for road stages in bicycle stage races, but you may find other uses.

The information tracked on each rider can be seen on the rider status view. You can bring up this view by touching the bib number on the grid:

In the upper left corner is a control for picking the color of the top and bottom half of the bib.

To the right of the bib number are editable text fields for GC, Points, and Mountain Points.

Below the name is the current team, license code, and age for the rider. The name, license, and age can be edited here, but they should usually be imported on your start list.

The team name will only be shown if the one was assigned in the import file.

Then the rider's status is shown and can be changed in a segmented control. In v1.1 these are represented by emoji graphics:

✔️ - In the Peloton
- In the Break
🚑 - Crashed
🚫 - Abandoned
🚲 - Service
- Off the Back

Below the selection for status is a note taking area. As the status changes, notes are automatically added for those changes. If you have an internet connection, voice dictation is available through Siri.

The top and bottom half can be assigned colors for the bib number display in the grid. For example, you may want to use the orange as a reminder of a status note you need to remember after the stage or blue for contenders for young rider. How you use the colors on your grid is up to you.

The most common status changes are controlled by using your finger to drag (flick far enough) bib numbers up or down on the grid.

Drag a bib up with your finger to put a rider in the break.  For riders who are in Off the Back, Service, or Crash status, dragging up puts them back in the peloton (OK status).

Dragging a normal status bib down puts the rider in Off the Back (▼) status or if they are in the Break (▲), it takes them out of the Break and puts them back in the peloton (OK status).

The bib number grows bigger when you drag it far enough to change the status.

If your race does not fit on the display window for the iPad, you can scroll with two fingers. Once the scrolling comes to rest, you can drag the bibs you could not see before.

A long press brings up a list of actions for the rider (or riders in Multi Select mode.)

This screen shot shows 5 riders selected in Multi Select mode and a long press on 96 to bring up the list of actions.

The same list is available for single and multiple riders.

Hide will delete the rider from the grid. They can be re added by long pressing any area not on top of a bib.

Here is what the list would look like if you had selected Hide above:

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